We haven't posted in such a long time and have so much to share with everyone about what we've been up to! Baxter has been playing soccer since the beginning of September and LOVES it! He's playing on a team with mostly other 3 year olds and while they don't score many goals they do have a lot of fun! The picture above is from a superhero birthday party we attended, what fun!

A couple weekends ago we went with our friends the Carothers to a local arts and crafts festival called the Red River Revel. We had a great time checking out local artists, great music and really fun children's activities.
The boys loved dancing to the bluegrass music!

Our family was busy this past weekend.
We went camping Friday night at a place close to our home and had a great time! The boys loved exploring the campsite and climbing all around. The night got very cold and we wound up heading home as soon as the sun came up the next morning.
Boyd absolutely loves doing or at least trying to do whatever Baxter does. He definitely surprises me and most of the time scares me. I was sure he was going to lose a tooth on this log balancing trick, but of course he did great and made it all the way to the top by himself!
Baxter and Daddy set up the tent!

Boyd supervised the tent assembly
Once we got out of the tent and realized how cold we all were, the boys sat in the car snuggled in blankets watching the "emergency" DVD player while Warren and I packed up the campsite. Oh well, we tried really hard not to use the "emergency" DVD player while camping!
After camping we headed to Baxter's soccer game and then later a friend's costume birthday party. The boys loved getting to wear their halloween costumes early! On Sunday we went with our friends the Quinlans to the local pumpkin patch where you can pick the pumpkins off the vine. There was also a "jumpy thing", corn maze, corn bin and a GIANT SNAKE! Baxter, Boyd and Mommy were all brave enough to hold the snake!