Well I'm not sure anyone checks the blog anymore but I finally had some down time and thought I would update for anyone that still checks it (Mom, Sarah, Alice)! Baxter is growing up so fast and is so very busy! Talking all the time and running around the house. I'm glad I have a chance to get used to the business before baby Carroll#2 makes his or her great entrance in April! That's right, we're officially crazy! They will be exactly 2 years apart and hopefully Warren and I won't lose our minds in the process of having 2 kids. I've been busy working as a private pediatrician here in town and love my new job. God has truly provided blessing after blessing and my job is just one of many. Warren has stayed busy with training for his ironman and work which means he isn't home a lot but we love that we can talk to him on video webchat when he's far away. Warren completed his ironman in September and we are so proud of him. He had a little wreck on the bike portion but thankfully nothing too bad. Maverick (our yellow lab) is adjusting to life as a single pet (Hunter our other lab unfortunately passed away in September) although having surgery to remove his dew claws has provided its fair share of setbacks! We've been busy with Halloween festivities lately and some pictures to show off our costumes (superman one day and a dinosaur the next).
Here is the McGough clan up at the lakehouse this past August- we had so much fun!

What cutie pies! (Baxter, Emma Kate, and Mason)

Baxter's first haircut by GiGi- he sat so still, I was impressed!

GiGi and Baxter post-haircut

Warren during the marathon part of the ironman and showing off his road rash from the crash on the bike portion

Warren after the race (12 hours long). I'm married to a real IRONMAN!

We were all tired after such a long day. It rained so much the night before and morning of that thought about stopping the race because of flooding but decided to go ahead with the race anyway. It made for some yucky, muddy conditions but nothing a shower couldn't fix!

The wonderful men in my life!

Gemma and Pop came to visit last weekend and we got to go to a pumpkin carving party

Baxter got to wear his halloween costume to school- he was pretty excited.

We went to a halloween party last night and this time he wore his dinosaur costume-too bad he came down with a fever and we had to go home early.
That's all the pictures and updates for now but hopefully I won't be so slow about updating next time!